CF Town Council Hears Unroe, Vannorsdall, Oeltjen, McHenry
| By Judy Moffitt Clark
| Clifton Forge, VA (July 9, 2024) - Clifton Forge Town Council heard a lengthy report Tuesday evening from Town Manager Chuck Unroe covering a number of topics from correcting several issues on social media and the town’s new website to updates on crosswalks and sidewalks and the town’s involvement with Green Pastures, the recreational area in eastern Alleghany County.
In other business, Council heard remarks from Jenny Oeltjen about supporting local business; Sandra McHenry of the YMCA concerning hiking trails; and Joan Vannorsdall, representing the series “What’s Your Story?” books, the most recent of which concerns the arts. Unroe also made remarks about the upcoming STARZ show at the Masonic Theatre on August 25.
Council adjourned to closed session to discuss acquisition of property near the C&O Heritage Center as well as personnel. | | Dr. Sandra McHenry
| | Jenny Oeltjen
| | CF Town Manager Chuck Unroe