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Jeff Stern, executive director of the Historic Masonic Theatre, Rita McClenny, president and CEO of Virginia Tourism Corporation, Delegate Terry Austin. (Photo courtesy of Terry Austin's office).

Masonic Theatre and Partners Receive Virginia Tourism Corporation Grant for Alleghany Highlands Heritage Day & C&O Railway Festival

Clifton Forge, VA (Mar. 9, 2016) - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced that the Historic Masonic Theatre and Partners received $6750 from the Virginia Tourism Corporation Marketing Leverage Program grant fund. In total VTC awarded more than $812,000 for 39 tourism marketing projects across the state to help increase visitation and revenue for Virginia’s localities through tourism.

The grants are designed to help local and regional tourism entities attract more visitors by leveraging local marketing dollars, and will ultimately impact at least 153 other statewide tourism entities. The local organizations match the state grant funds by a minimum of 2:1 in order to support marketing projects. This funding cycle, the local partners will match the VTC grant dollars with more than $2.6 million, providing more than $3.4 million in new marketing to increase visitation to Virginia.

The Historic Masonic Theatre and Partners received a $6750 grant for Alleghany Highlands Heritage Day & C&O Railway Festival. The Masonic Theatre partnered with the Town of Clifton Forge, Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, Clifton Forge Main Street, Alleghany Highlands Arts & Crafts Center, C&O Heritage Center and Hill Crest B&B to supply $6750 in matching funds for promoting Alleghany Highlands Heritage Day & C&O Railway Festival which is scheduled for June 3 and 4. This is Heritage Day’s fifth anniversary and the event has grown from 200 to 2000 in attendance. Thanks to the grant, promotion of the event will be spread to outlying communities: Washington DC, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Virginia Heritage Day will begin on Friday, June 3 with the Chamber produced docudrama, “Gift from a Yankee” to be premiered at the soft opening of the Historic Masonic Theatre. Heritage Day continues on Saturday, June 4 from 10:00 to 5:00 with over 80 demonstrations and displays, continuous music, delicious specialty foods of the area, and experiential activities including draft horse and mule teams, Scottish games, train rides and displays, and a shine tasting Heritage Day will also host the Civil War 150 HistoryMobile, an interactive "museum on wheels" housed in a 53’ expandable tractor-trailer.

“Heritage Day not only celebrates and honors the settlers who made the Alleghany Highlands their home; it brings many visitors to our community. This year, we are thrilled to have international quilt designer and historian, Kaye England present her vintage quilt collection in three quilt bed turnings—her collection spans 100 years, from 1840 to 1940, in addition to a lecture “Voices of the Past”, celebrating women’s lives through patchwork. Heritage Day represents the entire Alleghany Highlands and will take place at the AH Arts & Crafts Center, the Masonic Theatre, the Masonic Amphitheatre, CF School of the Arts, CF Public Library and C&O Heritage Center,” said John Hillert, coordinator of the event. “We are also happy to have participation from the county, Covington and regional artists and organizations. June 4th’s Heritage Day activities run from 10:00 to 5:00 and admission is free of charge.”

“The Marketing Leverage Grant program is designed to spur job creation, economic development, and visitor spending through new or enhanced tourism product,” said Governor McAuliffe. “These grants are proven to increase visitation by creating marketing partnerships and effective marketing programs.”

Tourism is an instant revenue generator for Virginia. In 2014, tourism generated $22.4 billion in revenue, supported nearly 217,000 jobs and provided $1.5 billion in state and local taxes. Dollars invested in tourism are proven to provide a 5:1 return in tax revenue for Virginia, and the grant awards and matching funds provide a stimulus to localities seeking to increase tourism visitation and revenue.

Please visit HYPERLINK "https://www.historicmasonictheatre.com" www.historicmasonictheatre.com to learn more about Heritage Day activities and schedule. Love is at the heart of every Virginia vacation.  Visit www.Virginia.org to learn more about vacation destinations in Virginia or call 1-800-VISITVA to receive a free, Virginia is for Lovers travel guide.

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